Our themes
Education for sustainable
Promotion of
sustanability culture.
Formation of new professional figures, sustainable jobs
Defining new professional profiles (Sustainable Jobs) to manage strategies for Sustainable Development.
Education for new
well-being paradigms
Empowering society in
changing behaviors.



Here, you can find selected courses which represent the themes on which we work. For further information or to inquire about possible collaborations, please do refer to the Simone Cesaretti Foundation contacts.
Seminar “Agenda 2030 e Sviluppo Sostenibile” at the Istituto Bernini De Sanctis, Napoli.
Course “Impresa Sostenibile – Green Jobs” developed within the project SOCIAPI, in collaboration with Consorzio Nazionale Produttori Apistici Soc. Cooperativa agricola, Agraria Department of Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, social cooperative Giancarlo Siani, agriculture company Gennaro Granata, agriculture company “Villa Sorbo” di Salvatore Sorbo.

Seminar “Bioeconomia circolare nell’Agroalimentare: scenari, strategie e nuove soluzioni” on the platform of the TICASS center – “Tecnologie innovative per il controllo ambientale e lo sviluppo sostenibile”.
Course “Sviluppo Sostenibile ed Economia Circolare” (I e II Ciclo) at the Istituto Tecnico Statale A. Bianchini, Terracina.
Seminar “The Multiplier Effect of Innovation Produced by Pilot Projects Financed with the Instrument of Vouchers in the Blue Economy Sector” within the European-funded project 4Helix+ coordinated by SVIM – Sviluppo Marche S.r.l.

Seminar “Circular Economy and Food” at the American University di Roma.
Seminar “Managing Innovation, Food Industy and Sustainability” at the Università degli Studi di Salerno.
Course “Sviluppo Sostenibile ed Economia Circolare” via the Sofia platform, where the Simone Cesaretti Foundation works in three regions (Lazio, Sicilia, Campania).
Course “Agricoltura sociale in una dimensione globale: quale ruolo ha l’agricoltura sociale per il raggiungimento degli SDGs?” at the Confederazione italiana agricoltori.
Seminar “Agenda 2030, Food issue & European integration from linear economy to circular economy” during the international conference Environmental engineering & Sustainable Development, Alba Iulia, Romania.
Lecture “Sustainable Development and the Challenge of E-innovation for a Green Society” at the Romanian Academy, Bucarest.