Our history
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation was born on November 6 th 2007 under the initiative of
Gian Paolo Cesaretti and Simona Bizzarri, parents of Simone Cesaretti, and of his cousins:
Cecilia Bizzarri, Federico Bizzarri, Andrea Maria Perroni, Barbara Ruggeri, Francesco Ruggeri.
Catalyst to its constitution was the encounter, in 2006, between prof. Gian Paolo Cesaretti and prof. Rita Levi Montalcini, Nobel Prize in medicine in 1986 and associate of the Accademia dei Lincei.
Prof. Rita Levi Montalcini immediately showed a profound enthusiasm for the initiative and, approving of its reasoning, she accepted to be named Honorary President of the College of Sages.

The Simone Cesaretti Foundation has always given particular attention to the youthe,
keystone of any strategy for the Sustainability of Well-being.

The Foundation, working non-profit and has unlimited duration, was recognized the legal personality of private law by Executive Decree n. 334/2008, Regione Campania. The Simone Cesaretti Foundation was enrolled in the Register of legal persons (Section Relationships with Provinces and Municipalities), Regione Campania, with the number 230.
Since 2016, the Simone Cesaretti Foundation is one of more than 300 partners of Alleanza
Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS). Prof. Gian Paolo Cesaretti, President of the Foundation, represents the latter in the Committee of coordinators and, along prof. Angelo Riccaboni, is coordinator of Working Group – Goal 2.
In the month of april of 2022, the Simone Cesaretti Foundation acquired the legal form of Ente del Terzo Settore, enrolling in the section n. 7 of the National Register of Enti del Terzo Settore, “Altri enti del terzo settore”.
The Simone Cesaretti Foundation works to contribute to finding Solutions to pursue a Sustainable Development model via two principal activities:


With regard to Education, the Simone Cesaretti Foundation, over the course of several years, has worked mainly on the preparation of courses to Educate society about Sustainable Development.

The Simone Cesaretti Foundation carries out Research in three different ways:

Publishing an academic Journal “Review of Studies on Sustainability” and two Book series, “Economics and Governance of Sustainability”
and “Agricoltura e Benessere”. These products are aimed at orienting the scientific community towards the themes of Sustainable Development.
Participating in research projects working on the themes of Sustainable Development models.
Research of particular social interest focusing on the individuation of economic models and impact analysis capable of integrating the social, environmental and economic dimensions.


Gian Paolo Cesaretti
Augusto Marinelli
Simona Bizzarri
Immacolata Viola
Scientific and organizational Coordinator
Vera Sibilio
Scientific and organizational Collaborator
Adriano Giannola
President of Associazione per lo Sviluppo dell’Industria nel Mezzogiorno
Eva Pfoestl
Former Professor at LUISS Guido Carli

College of Sages

Augusto Marinelli
Maurizio Marinella
Carlo Alberto Campiotti
Ranabir Samaddar
Erwin Northoff
Sebastiano Maffettone
Irene Paola Borrelli
Stefano Ribaldi
Marisa Ferrari Occhionero
Wolfgang Sachs

